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The Apprentice, X Factor - Jewish stars take over

A new breed of Jewish trailblazers are following in the footsteps of the great and the good — via reality TV.

October 6, 2010 15:47
X Factor hopeful Katie Waissel
2 min read

Singer Katie Waissel may have fluffed her lines in front of Simon Cowell but she’s made the finals of ITV’s X Factor.

And on BBC, a former JFS girl and a King David Manchester boy are battling to impress Lord Sugar in the Apprentice.

Ms Waissel, a former pupil of Heathfield School, Pinner, worked in her mother’s dress shop, DNK, before auditioning.

She went on an RSY tour in 2002 and the family is often seen at ladies events held by Pinner synagogue.