
Tesco ban on the Protocols

May 26, 2011 12:53

ByRobyn Rosen, Robyn Rosen

1 min read

Tesco has stopped selling The Protocols of the Elders of Zion after a shopper threatened to boycott the supermarket until it removed the controversial book from its website.

Rachel Amdurer, a 44-year-old teaching assistant from Halifax, was searching for Jewish books when she saw the antisemitic forgery for sale.

Mrs Amdurer, a member of Bradford Synagogue, said: "I was disgusted to discover Tesco's online book list included a vicious antisemitic fraud. To add insult to injury, it was located in the Judaism section. I was shocked that any respectable association would offer this book for sale."

After she complained, she initially received a response from Elaine Mollison, customer service manager at Tesco Direct. She said: "I appreciate the book includes vicious antisemitic fraud. This said, at Tesco Books we are offering our customers a choice rather than appointing ourselves as censors or moral guardians."

But after the JC contacted Tesco, a spokesman said the book would be removed within 24 hours.

A spokesman said: "We apologise for any offence. We are taking immediate action to remove this book from our website. "