
Terror trial: ‘Would-be suicide bombers discussed gun attack on synagogue’

October 25, 2012 15:51
Accused: Irfan Naseer, Irfan Khalid, Ashik Ali

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

The three Birmingham men accused of plotting a huge terror attack in the UK discussed storming a synagogue armed with guns had they been unable to make a bomb, a court heard today.

The would-be suicide bombers made a bungled attempt to destroy blueprints for a terror attack more deadly than 7/7, the court heard.

Ashik Ali, Irfan Khalid, both 27, and Irfan Naseer, 31, set fire to their plans for home-made explosive devices in a bid to hide them from the authorities, it was said.

But the charred paper was later recovered largely intact from a bin at Ali's Birmingham home, Woolwich Crown Court was told.

The trio planned a series of up to eight explosions at unknown targets across the UK between December 25, 2010, and September 19 last year, it is alleged.

Each timer-triggered device is said to have been capable of killing up to 25 people and injuring scores more.

Naseer, of Doris Road, Sparkhill, Birmingham, denies five counts of engaging in conduct in preparation of terrorist acts.

Khalid, of Timbers Way, Sparkbrook, Birmingham, denies four counts of engaging in conduct in preparation of terrorist acts.

Ali, of White Street, Birmingham, denies three counts of engaging in conduct in preparation of terrorist acts.