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Teenage neo-Nazi who plotted to attack synagogues jailed

The 17-year-old wrote a manifesto entitled ‘Storm 88: A Manual For Practical And Sensible Guerrilla Warfare Against The Kike System In The Durham City Area, Sieg Heil’

January 7, 2020 14:00
The boy's manifesto
1 min read

A 17-year-old who identified local synagogues on a list of potential targets has been sentenced to six years and eight months in prison.

The teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons, searched online for shuls in the Durham area to target and wrote a manifesto which included a section “areas to attack”.

The boy was convicted in November of six terror offences and sentenced at at Manchester Crown Court on Tuesday.

Handwritten documents recovered from the boy’s bedroom contained a to-do list that included “shed empathy”.