
Swastika spray-painted on wall in Highgate

November 17, 2015 15:52
Swastika (Photo: Michael Israel)
1 min read

A swastika has been spray-painted on a wall in north London.

The offensive black sign left below the Jackson’s Lane street sign near Highgate tube station was spotted on Tuesday.

Jewish couple Michael and Clarissa Israel reported the graffiti, with Mr Israel telling the Evening Standard that it had left him “shocked.”

The wine merchant added: “I have lived here for 30 years and it has never happened before.”

Mr Israel, 52, said this kind of antisemitic incident made him fear for his safety. “I feel threatened and I’m scared, I’m really scared, about what is happening in Israel with people stabbing people, and I’m scared about what happened with Charlie Hebdo and all over the world.”

A Community Security Trust spokesman said: “We are aware of it and we have reported it to the council to have it removed.”

A spokeswoman for Haringey Council said that authorities “recognise residents’ shock at this unacceptable graffiti and thank them for bringing it to our attention.

“We aim to remove any obscene or racist graffiti within 24 hours of it being reported and will be taking steps to remove it as soon as possible.”

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