ByCandice Krieger, Candice Krieger
Eleven years ago, spiritual healer Suzanna Marcus was given just six months to live after being diagnosed with stage three breast cancer. Determined to beat the disease, she refused chemotherapy and radiotherapy, putting together her own healing programme.
Now, clear of cancer, she is helping to guide others towards a state of wellbeing. She has published 6 Months to Live 10 Years Later: An Extraordinary Healing Journey and Guide to Well Being -— aimed not only at people facing disease, but also those who are well and want to know how to remain healthy.
This week, the Israeli-based holistic therapist was in London giving a talk on her personal story in an attempt to inspire others. She will be running three workshops in November.
Ms Marcus tells People: “When you get sick you can either be a victim or take it as a place to learn from. I decided to develop my own method to help me get better.
I detoxified my body and my mind to get rid of any stresses and traumas that I had faced in my life.”
She lived by a strict regime of certain herbs, raw foods, wheatgrass and essiac tea.
Ms Marcus is in the process of writing her second book, titled How to Live a Vibrant Life. She says: “I am convinced that we can go through any of life’s challenges and come out the other end richer, wiser human beings.” Born in north London, Ms Marcus made aliyah aged 16. A mother-of-three, she lives in Zichron Yaakov, northern Israel.