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Students find ways to cope with isolating

Thousands of pupils begin new term as pandemic hits dozens of university campuses

October 1, 2020 13:38

ByMathilde Frot, mathilde frot

2 min read

Jacob moved into university halls last month. But while this is usually the most sociable time of year for students and Jews alike, he has instead been self-isolating after a possible Covid-19 exposure.

“It’s been quite sad because obviously it’s nice around this time of year to get together with people, to sit in the succah together and go to shul,” the first year Goldsmiths pupil told the JC.

Jacob said he had observed Shabbat by himself for the first time while in quarantine. “It’s very difficult because if there’s a religion that focuses on ritual, it’s ours,” said the 22-year-old anthropology student.

“I try to keep kosher and I rely on going to get food for Shabbat from my mother and if not from her, from someone else in Stamford Hill,” he said, adding he has had to rely on fruit, vegetables and a couple of leftover challah rolls.