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Student says lecturer he accused of antisemitism should not be sacked

Bristol University academic should be engaged in debate rather than dismissed, insists Jewish undergraduate who claimed she used "the language of Holocaust revisionists and antisemites"

February 24, 2017 13:47
Dr Rebecca Gould was accused of using "the language of antisemites"
2 min read

A student who accused a lecturer of using antisemitic language has criticised campaigners who called for her to be sacked.

Bristol University confirmed it was investigating allegations that Dr Rebecca Gould had written an article in which she claimed the Holocaust was a “holy event” used by Israel to “whitewash its crimes”.

Dr Gould, who lectures in comparative literature at the university, wrote the piece, entitled Beyond Antisemitism, for the 2011 edition of CounterPunch, an American radical publication.

But despite complaining his tutor had used the language of “Holocaust revisionists and antisemites”, undergraduate Sahar Zivan said Dr Gould should not be sacked but rather be engaged in debate.