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Student leaders pledge to fight campus racism

November 24, 2016 20:31

ByJonathan Kalmus, Jonathan Kalmus

2 min read

Manchester University’s growing reputation for harbouring antisemitism is facing a new challenge after Jewish candidates gained a third of the places on the student-union council.

The new team will have four Jewish representatives on the executive and another 14 on the student council. One of them — Rob Pinfold — is the new general secretary.

After the elections, Mr Pinfold was unequivocal about kicking out antisemitism: “For too long, Jewish students have seen their concerns swept away and ignored by the students’ union, their representative body,” he said.

“Antisemitism and racism will no longer be tolerated or ignored, in whatever form it may take. I and other members of the executive look forward to welcoming Jewish students back to the university.