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Striking teachers union’s links to pro-terror group

The National Education Union provides 'financial aid' to the General Union of Palestinian Teachers, whose general secretary recently compared Israel to Nazi Germany

February 2, 2023 11:27
Palestinian Teachers (GUPT) leader Saed Erziqat with Louise Regan,
6 min read

The Teachers union that brought Britain’s schools to a halt this week gave funding and support to a Palestinian teachers group whose leaders have met terror chiefs and who have praised murderers as “martyrs”, the JC can reveal.

The National Education Union (NEU), from which dozens of Jewish teachers reportedly resigned in 2019 over its stance on Israel, has been causing chaos with seven days of strike action in February and March.

It supports and provides “financial aid” to the General Union of Palestinian Teachers (GUPT) on the West Bank.

The GUPT’s logo includes a map of the area in whch Israel’s borders not represented. NEU officers have travelled to the region to visit GUPT representatives on a number of occasions.

GUPT General Secretary Saed Erziqat — who has spoken at the NEU’s annual conference — recently compared Israel to Nazi Germany, saying: “There are massacres that have happened to the Palestinian people that were worse than the Holocaust itself.”

He has also praised militant network the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, which was designated as a terror group by the European Union and the US.

The Palestinian union chief has met the leaders of another Iranian-backed terror group, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine — General Command (PFLP-GC), which is outlawed by the UK and US.

Last month, following an Israeli operation in Jenin that killed members of al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade alongside those of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, another terror group, Mr Erziqat wrote on social media that they should be honoured as “martyrs” and called on Palestinians to carry out “continuous escalation in every spot”.