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Strictly Kosher: Fun, and strictly true to life

July 14, 2011 12:46
Bernette Clarke

ByJonathan Kalmus, Jonathan Kalmus

2 min read

When a Jewish mother walked into a packed Brackman's, north Manchester's most well-known kosher bakery, on Tuesday, she received celebrity treatment. Dozens of people stopped to stare at Bernette Clarke who, the previous evening, had earned the admiration of Boy George among 3.5 million viewers of ITV's Strictly Kosher documentary, which profiled Manchester's Jewish community.

But most onlookers in the bakery also took the opportunity to accost Mrs Clarke and tell her just what they thought of the programme. It featured a Holocaust survivor, a secular fashion boutique owner, and what it claimed was an average middle-class modern Orthodox Jewish mother.

A beaming Mrs Clarke, 46, a mother of three from Prestwich, said: "Everyone's been recognising me. I think most enjoyed the programme. Where I work, at a Manchester hospital, theatre staff, doctors and nurses came down to ENT to tell me how fab it was. People have been saying they want more Strictly Kosher. I think we need more."

She said she felt the importance of breaking some of the myths about Jewish lifestyle and practices. When ITV approached her at the beauty salon she attends to allow filming in her house, Mrs Clarke first sent the crew out to film circumcisions, weddings, barmitzvot, kosher shops and synagogues.