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Standing firm for the suburban minorities

February 26, 2015 12:35
Sitting MP Bob Blackman says he is a strong advocate for Israel

ByMarcus Dysch, Marcus Dysch

2 min read

Few constituencies are as politically, culturally and religiously diverse as Harrow East.

Its suburbs of north-west London, including affluent Stanmore and grittier Kenton and Queensbury, have swung between Labour and the Conservatives in general elections over the past 70 years.

For Bob Blackman, that diversity has presented an opportunity. Since being elected as the constituency's Tory MP with a majority of 3,403 in 2010, he has built strong relationships with the area's Jewish, Hindu and Christian communities.

He has leading roles on three parliamentary groups representing the interests of Hindus, Jews and Israel. He even describes himself as a "Chrinjew - a Christian with Jewish roots, and an honorary Hindu".