Stan Lee, the writer and editor who brought us Spider-Man, Iron Man, and a host of other costumed (and in the case of The Hulk, barely-costumed) characters has in later life developed something of an acting career. He has racked up in the region of 100 cameos in various Marvel comics films and TV shows.
But now news reaches us that he might also become the subject of a film. And he has already singled out his first choice of actor to portray him.
Speaking at a toymakers’ convention he responded to a question about the possibility of a Stan Lee biopic by saying;
Believe it or not, I’ve already discussed it with Leonardo DiCaprio.
He’s a neighbour of mine and we were talking one day some months ago, and he said, ‘Boy it’d be fun to do your story on the screen.’
So I said, ‘Well, I’ll audition you.’ Gotta make sure the guy can do it.

A whimsical reply to a fan’s question is a long way from a Hollywood studio green light, but few writers have made a bigger impact on popular culture in the past couple of decades.
There are already Stan Lee action figures. Can a Stan Lee movie be far behind? The only question left to ask is...wil Stan make a cameo appearance?