Hatzola ambulance volunteers in Stamford Hill clapped alongside their NHS colleague as the whole nation gave thanks to those battling the coronavirus in an outpouring of clapping and cheering on Thursday.
The volunteers, who provide transportation and pre-hospital emergency treatment, were clapping at 8pm as millions across Britain did the same to honour those working long, challenging shifts to help fight the spread of the pandemic.
A video shows rounds of clapping, cheers and cries of "Yes!"
Hatzola Jewish ambulance volunteers and NHS staff clapping together in Stamford Hill pic.twitter.com/HQDdIc4eph
Guardian and JC columnist Jonathan Freedland tweeted his joy at seeing Charedi neighbours, who "tend to skip street activites", taking part.
"Tonigh they were out," he tweeted. "The sight and sound of all of us tofether... well, they may have been something in my eye."
In this part of Hackney our Charedi neighbours - strictly Orthodox Jews - tend to skip street activities: street parties, Halloween (obvs). But tonight they were out to #clapforourcarers. The sight and sound of all of us together...well, there may have been something in my eye
— Jonathan Freedland (@Freedland) March 26, 2020
Levi Shapiro, the head of the Jewish Community Council, replied to thank Mr Freedland, saying his community was "out there applauding our amazing NHS, in times like these we are united as one".
"We are all in this together, this one fight is your fight and only together as one can we defeat this horrible disease," he added.
Thank you Jonathan, indeed our community were out there applauding our amazing @NHSuk in times like these we are united as one. We are all in this together, this one fight is your fight and only together as one can we defeat this horrible disease.
— Levi Schapiro (@leviSchapiro1) March 27, 2020