
Stage aid for deaf audience

May 26, 2011 12:52

ByRobyn Rosen, Robyn Rosen

1 min read

A group for Jewish deaf and hard of hearing theatre lovers has been set up. It is organised by charity Stagetext, which promotes the use of electronic captions at cultural venues and is funded by charitable trust, City Bridge Trust.

A Jewish board member of Stagetext, Naomi Hayim, formed the group after interest from Jewish deaf people who attend captioned performances.

Tabitha Allum, Stagetext chief executive, said: "A great number of Jewish deaf, deafened and hard of hearing people are already enjoying some of London's finest theatre performances because captioning enables them to follow what's been said or sung alongside their hearing friends and family.

"The three Jewish members of our board felt that a social group which focused on new audiences might be a great way to bring like-minded people together."

The group is open to anyone interested in Jewish culture. Yesterday its first outing was to a captioned performance of The Holy Rosenbergs at the National Theatre.