
Sixteen year-old makes online appeal to stop Neo-Nazi rally in Golders Green

June 25, 2015 12:34
Online appeal: Liora Resnick (Photo: Twitter)

ByJessica Weinstein, Jessica Weinstein

1 min read

A Hasmonean pupil has made a heartfelt appeal in an open letter to stop the Neo Nazi rally that is planned in Golders Green on 4 July .

Liora Resnick, aged 16, told her Facebook followers to share her post in order to raise awareness of an issue she says is redolent of Nazi Germany.

In the letter to “those living in the UK” she says "I was most alarmed to be informed that not only were people who are hell-bent in destroying the very thing I stand for, coming right to Golders Green in an attempt to belittle and desecrate my religion, but they were not going to stop there. They are also going to burn the books that my ancestry is written on. They are going to burn my history as if that will be effective in obliterating me."

She goes on to say: “as I close this letter, I ask you as a sixteen-year old girl, who shares the same likes and dislikes, who goes to school and goes out with her friends, to help me by sharing this post and that hopes to raise awareness for help to protect my people…like all other sixteen-year old girls, I just want to have fun, and not worry that the elimination of my people and what they stand for is ever imminent.”

At the time of writing her post had been shared on Facebook 668 times.

The full post can be read here.