
Singing a Peres song for peace

November 10, 2013 11:25

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

Seven years ago Shimon Peres gave one of his poems, Ray of Hope, to an online group called Songweavers, impressed with their efforts to promote peace through music.

Since then, they have put out four CDs, featuring some of the 100 versions of the Israeli president’s poem recorded by songwriters from Iran to Vietnam.

The latest Ray of Hope disc includes one from London teacher Tobiah Thomas (whose father is Jewish).

Mrs Thomas even added a few words of her own in her chorus, “A little ray of hope for a peaceful world”.

“I think I am the only one who has got permission to add my own words,” she said, “After Shimon heard it, he decided to include them because he liked it so much.”