ByAnonymous, Anonymous
Jews in Glasgow held a memorial service on Sunday in remembrance of the victims of the Clutha bar helicopter crash.
Nine people died and dozens were injured when a police helicopter crashed into the crowded city-centre pub on Friday night.
The service, organised by Scotland’s senior rabbi, Moshe Rubin, at Giffnock Synagogue, was attended by 40 people.
Rabbi Rubin said: “It was very short notice and many people said they only heard about it afterwards, but I felt that it was extremely important to do something. What Jews always do in such events is get together and pray.
“This affects everyone in Glasgow and we have a responsibility to do all we can for our fellow Glaswegians.
“I know a lot of people will donate to the fund set up to help victims of the crash. Jews are always very generous at a time like this.”
Following the service, Chanucah candles were lit. Rabbi Rubin added: “We hope and pray that all of the families of those who have lost their lives and been injured find a candle of hope of their own to help them through this sad time.”
The book of condolences for victims was signed by Scottish Council of Jewish Communities director Ephraim Borowski and Glasgow Jewish Representative Council President Paul Morron on behalf of the community.
Mr. Morron also sent a letter of sympathy to the Chief Constable of Police Scotland, Sir Stephen House. Two police constables who were in the helicopter died in the crash.