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Shtisel star Shira Haas to play Israeli superheroine in new Captain America film

The Israeli actor will appear as Sabra in the forthcoming Marvel Comics Universe blockbuster

September 11, 2022 10:25
1 min read

Shtisel star Shira Haas has been cast as an Israeli superheroine in the new Captain America film.

She will play the character Sabra in Captain America: New World Order, the fourth in the Captain America series, which is due for release in 2024, Variety reported.

Besides Shtisel, the Netflix series in which she played a young religious wife in Jerusalem, Haas came to wider attention in the series Unorthodox, in which she took on the role of a woman who broke away from the tight-knight Satmar Chasidic community in New York to try to fulfil her musical ambitions.

