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‘Shtisel’ creator working on new series about Theodor Herzl

The project is said to be in its 'early stages', and will document the life of the founder of the Zionist Organisation

August 22, 2022 23:00
1 min read

The creator of the hugely popular Israeli TV series ‘Shtisel’ is reportedly working on a new series about Austrian-Jewish journalist and playwright Theodor Herzl, the father of modern Zionism.

The series is being developed by Ori Elon, according to Deadline, who wrote the script for the hit Israeli TV series ‘Shtisel’ that follows the life of a Charedi family. He was also behind a series called ‘Srugim’, which is a popular series about Modern Orthodox singles in Jerusalem. 

The Herzl production is said to be in its “early stages”, but is thought to be based on Herzl’s diaries, documenting his journey from playwright to leader of a movement that resulted in the founding of the State of Israel. 

The production is being funded by Inbar Nacht, and Israeli attorney and philanthropist whose family foundation helped hundreds of people escape the Taliban after the Western withdrawal from Afghanistan, and also supported artists during the pandemic. 


