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Shoah-denying bishop barred from preaching in UK

Richard Williamson, the maverick bishop who has denied the Holocaust, cannot officiate in Catholic churches in Britain, its representatives stressed, following his return here from Argentina on Wednesday.

February 26, 2009 14:40
Two floats at a Mardi Gras carnival in Dusseldorf this week showed the Pope shaking hands with Williamson

BySimon Rocker, Simon Rocker

2 min read

Richard Williamson, the maverick bishop who has denied the Holocaust, cannot officiate in Catholic churches in Britain, its representatives stressed, following his return here from Argentina on Wednesday.

The English-born cleric was at the centre of an international controversy after Pope Benedict XVI lifted an excommunication order against him. But last week, the Argentinian authorities gave him 10 days to leave the country, where he had headed a seminary in Buenos Aires.

A spokesman for the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales said: “If any priest wants to come and lead worship or preach, he must go to the local bishop for permission. Because Richard Williamson is not in communion with the Pope, that permission would not be granted.”

He added that the leader of Britain’s Catholics, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, had made it “absolutely clear that his [Williamson’s] views on the Holocaust are absolutely unacceptable”. Pope Benedict removed the excommunication order against Williamson and three other bishops from the breakaway Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) in a move towards reconciliation with the breakaway sect.