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Scale of Jewish joblessness under pandemic revealed

The unemployment rate among Jews almost doubled in the first few months of the pandemic

March 18, 2021 10:10
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2 min read

The unemployment rate among Jews almost doubled in the first few months of the pandemic, rising more sharply than among the general UK population, according to a new report by the Institute for Jewish Policy Research (JPR).

Among the economically active Jewish population, 3.4 per cent were unemployed in February last year, compared to four per cent in the UK as a whole.

But by July 2020, Jewish unemployment had risen to 6.6 per cent compared with the national rate of 4.5 per cent. The national rate climbed to 5.1 per cent by December but there is no updated figure for the Jewish community.

Charedim, Jews in single households and those in lower income brackets — earning under £30,000 a year — were hit hardest in terms of loss of work or reduced hours, JPR found.