
Sacks and Goldstein express support for Mirvis decision

Former Chief Rabbi claimed that Rabbi Dweck would "emerge stronger" from the experience

July 19, 2017 15:55
1 min read

Lord Sacks has issued a message of support for both Rabbi Mirvis and Rabbi Dweck, at the conclusion of the Chief Rabbi’s Review Committee regarding the S&P Senior Rabbi.

"I support the resolution achieved by Chief Rabbi Mirvis and his Review Committee in bringing this painful matter to a peaceful conclusion and commend them for their tireless efforts in doing so," Lord Sacks said. "Rabbi Dweck has made, and will continue to make, a significant contribution to our community and to the Jewish people and will emerge stronger from this intense process of reflection on the burdens and responsibilities of Rabbinic leadership.”

Today a panel of dayanim convened by Chief Rabbi Mirvis announced their decision that Rabbi Dweck should remain in his position at the head of the S & P Sephardi Community following a two-month controversy over lectures he has given in the community.

Rabbi Dweck issued a lengthy expression of regret for speaking inappropriately on occasions, acknowledging some of the criticism of him by other rabbis had been justified.

Lord Sacks, the former Chief Rabbi, was not alone in expressing his support for the conclusions of the committee. Jonathan Goldstein, the chairman of the Jewish Leadership Council, said that he was happy Rabbi Dweck would be able to continue working for the benefit of “the entire British Jewish community”.

Mr Goldstein expressed  “thanks and appreciation to Chief Rabbi Mirvis for his leadership and for the thoughtful way in which he and the review committee have resolved what has clearly been a complex and sensitive matter”.

He said that “the studious deliberations of and constructive approach” adopted by the Chief Rabbi and the review committee had  “led to an outcome that allows us to move forward together as a united community."

Mr Goldstein added: “Rabbi Dweck is a passionate spiritual leader who has been very successful at sharing his enthusiasm and connecting with congregants from all walks of life. I am happy he will be able to continue this important work for the benefit of the entire British Jewish community.”

Chief Rabbi Mirvis himself urged communal unity, saying he had been appalled by the “poisonous invective”  unleashed by the controversy over Rabbi Dweck.