
Richard Herman takes a byte out of a kosher Apple

December 16, 2010 15:25
Richard Herman

ByKatie Taylor, Katie Taylor

1 min read

Kosher has gone digital with the new Kosher nosh guide app for the iPhone.

Designed by Richard Herman, director of graphic design company, Arta Creative Solutions, the app will provide up-to-date information on what is and isn't kosher. Mr Herman tells People: "As a big Apple fan I approached the Beth Din with this idea. I used to produce the paper version of the kosher nosh guide, so I knew we would work well together."

The app, available on iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad is licensed by the Beth Din. It costs £6.99 for a 12-month subscription and has been sold in the UK, Europe, Israel and Australia. Mr Herman, 44, from Hendon, north London, said: "The idea that the kosher nosh guide is now in an app form embraces the digital age. The app allows users to select their chosen establishment, locate it on a map and call it directly from their iPhone. You can also email establishments and browse their websites. There is also a search facility - ideal for impulse purchases."