
Revealed: anti-vaxx nurse at centre of Covid hate demos

Kate Shemirani - who has united the far left and far right activists - is a supporter of a notorious conspiracy theory

September 9, 2020 22:50
Kate Shemirani CREDIT TWITTER tv9GUy10_400x400.jpg
5 min read

A suspended nurse at the centre of the anti-lockdown protests is a supporter of a notorious conspiracy theory that places prominent Jews at the centre of a corrupt group that controls the world.

Kate Shemirani has emerged as one of the most celebrated faces of movement that has united anti-vaccination and anti-mask campaigners with far-left and far-right activists at demonstrations featuring speakers such David Icke and Piers Corbyn, the brother of the former Labour leader.

Through her own speeches and online presentations, in which she explains how she rejected conventional treatment for her breast cancer, she has drawn recruits for campaigns against what she believes to be a cabal of powerful Satanic paedophiles – the QAnon conspiracy theory, which originated in the US. QAnon banners have been raised at “Save The Children” anti-vaccination protests across the country in recent weeks.

But a JC investigation can reveal that Ms Shemirani – who regularly dismisses the Covid-19 crisis as a“Plandemic Scamdemic’’ – is a believer in the “Committee of 300” conspiracy theory, which paved the way for the notorious antisemitic forgery the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Ms Shemirani was suspended from practising for 18 months by the Nursing and Midwifery Council in July after spreading conspiracy theories about the virus, vaccines and the 5G telephone network.

But she has subsequently used this sanction as way to justify her claim that a small elite of “globalists”, whom she portrays as Satanic-worshipping paedophiles, are using the pandemic to control the masses as part of a New World Order.

Despite her 35 years of working as a registered nurse, Ms Shemirani has also repeatedly compared NHS nurses to “Nazis” for carrying out recognised medical procedures and vaccinations.

The JC listened to five of her speeches in which she openly commended the idea behind the Committee of 300  - said to be an international council that controlled politics, media, banking and the military across Europe.

While the founder of the 1909 theory, the German politician Walther Rathenau said he did not suggest the 300 men were all Jewish, the idea that they were indeed all Jewish quickly took hold.

When Mr Rathenau was assassinated in 1922, his killer cited his victim’s alleged membership of the "Three hundred Elders of Zion" as justification.

On August 25, Ms Shemirani took part in a discussion on the ‘Bit chute’ online platform. She made reference to the Committee of 300 before launching an attack on the “globalist” philanthropist George Soros, whom she accused of funding the Black Lives Matter protests across the world.

She insisted: “All you Black Lives Matter out there shouting for defunding the police – you are foolish. That is funded by George Soros, who is working on the mad principals.. like what Hilter did, he got rid of the police so he could bring in his Brownshirts.”

Continuing she said that abortion, “the biggest killer of Black Americans” could also be linked back to Mr Soros and “these same people.”

She added: “So what have they said to everyone out there who is black? They have said you are more susceptible to this virus, they are going to give you the vaccine first.

“Because they don’t want you. You are not in the agenda. This is white, supremacist Zionism.”

Just days later, on August 29, it was again Mr Soros who came under attack as Ms Shemirani addressed more than 10, 000 people at a protest in central London alongside Mr Icke and Mr Corbyn.

Once again she claimed the Hungarian-born billionaire was financing abortion, telling the crowd “the biggest cause of death amongst the American Black… African Black American… is abortion! They’re killing your babies before they even get out the womb! Who funds that? George Soros Planned Parenthood.”

One online commentator suggested the speech sounded “like a version of blood libel.”

An earlier interview, recorded for an American health website Vibe in May, saw Ms Shemirani repeat another conspiracy theory, this time around Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan’s marriage to Jemina Goldsmith.

Her father James Goldsmith has widely been portrayed as being Jewish and close to the Rothschilds, even though he actually was brought up as a Catholic in a family that had some Jewish ancestry.

Hitting out at what she said was the fake pandemic, she accused nurses of being “complicit in the tyranny and lies”.

She then said: ”Imran Khan has just accepted lots of money from Bill Gates… he’s banking him for all the polio vaccines and everything else.

“Imran Khan married Jemina Goldsmith and her father is one of those illuminati, those top families, they are all in bed and toe-sucking with one another.

“He’s not married to her now – but it doesn’t matter. He was cricketer. And now he’s the head of the whole of Pakistan, and in bed with Bill Gates. We have to stand up to these people because we far outnumber them.”

Ms Shemirani then turned her attention back to the nurses and the police, whom she has accused of slavishly following the instructions of the government during the pandemic.

She said: “What they are doing is that same thing, where they think they are OK.

“Look back through history, in Germany, the very rich Jews left when they found out what was happening.  Many of them go out, some didn’t. They ones who could get out, or chose not to believe it, they lost their lives.”

In several interviews Ms Shemirani credited her Iranian ex-husband for introducing her to the ideas of the Committee of 300. She said she had “an education in the New World Order, of the illuminati, the top families, who owns what. All the corruption, the murders, I knew all of that. But I never knew it would happen in my lifetime.”

The JC has also obtained numerous social media posts by Ms Shamirani in which she refers to the Committee of 300 and refers to ‘globalists’ and the ‘illuminati’ in a negative fashion.

We also found speeches in which she claimed, “Christians are being persecuted all over the world” along with Muslims and Asians by “paedophiles who are all in bed with one another” and who “all worship the devil”.

Ms Shemirani said: “This is good against evil. They are all Satanic devil worshippers. Go read the New World Order. This is the art of war.”


QAnon is a baseless internet conspiracy theory whose followers believe that a cabal of Satan-worshipping Democrats, Hollywood celebrities and billionaires run the world while engaging in paedophilia, human trafficking and the harvesting of a supposedly life-extending chemical from the blood of abused children.

Many of these themes have been central to rise in popularity of conspiracy theorists such as David Icke and Kate Shemirani in the UK – although they may not describe themselves as followers of QAnon themselves.

In recent months, placards with the Q symbol have been seen at anti-Covid-19  demonstrations staged in the UK where it is suggested the likes of George Soros and Bill Gates are exploiting the pandemic for their own gain.

Recent UK demonstrations over exaggerated claims of child abuse and paedophilia among the elite in the wake of the Jeffrey Epstein scandal - often under the banner of ‘Save The Children’ - have also been hijacked by followers of QAnon.

Last weekend in a sign of QAnon’s link to the far-right, banners supporting the conspiracy theory were displayed at an anti-immigrant march staged in Dover.

QAnon has its roots in previously established conspiracy theories -  including  the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a fake document purporting to expose a Jewish plot to control the world that was used throughout the 20th century to justify antisemitism.

The name ‘QAnon’ appears to have emerged in October 2017, when claims were circulated on internet message board 4chan about an anonymous person called ‘Q’ who had discovered that Hillary Clinton’s “extradition” was “already in motion” and her arrest imminent.

These false claims came from a conspiracy theory that had emerged the previous year known as Pizzagate – which falsely claimed that references to food and a popular Washington DC pizza restaurant in the stolen emails of Ms Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta were actually a secret code for a child trafficking ring.

There were further claims that ‘Q’ was a government insider with top security clearance who knew the truth about the secret struggle for power between  US President Donald Trump and the “deep state”.