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Reprieve for Israel studies at SOAS

Pears Foundation pledges funding for two new posts to safeguard future

April 14, 2011 11:14

BySimon Rocker, Simon Rocker

2 min read

One of British Jewry's leading family charities, the Pears Foundation, has stepped in to safeguard the immediate future of Israel studies at London University's School of Oriental and African Studies.

The foundation has pledged £485,000 over the next four years to fund two new posts, following the retirement of Professor Colin Shindler, the country's only professor in Israel studies, in September.

But Professor Shindler will return to SOAS as the inaugural Pears senior research fellow who will oversee the launch of a European Association of Israel Studies there.

In addition, Pears will jointly fund with SOAS a lectureship in Israel studies to continue teaching of the subject at graduate and undergraduate level.