
Racist attack in Llandudno

August 21, 2008 23:00

ByMarcus Dysch, Marcus Dysch

1 min read

A man was punched and had his kippah knocked off in what police describe as a racist attack.

The 24-year-old was wrestled to the ground by two men and hit in the face during the assault in Llandudno, North Wales, last week.

He had been walking close to a Chabad-run community centre on the outskirts of the town when the men attacked him. They removed his skullcap before running away.

The victim, who has not been named, was treated for shock and minor injuries.

Synagogue services are run from the retreat centre, which attracts a large number of Charedi holidaymakers from Manchester, London and elsewhere in England.

The incident happened at around 10pm on August 12. The two attackers were white and aged around 18.

District Inspector Andy Broadhead, of North Wales Police, said: "The men grabbed him round the neck and his skullcap came off during the struggle.

"He shouted for help but then went back to where he was staying and came to us the next day. What makes this incident so disturbing is the fact it is racially motivated.

"This is the first case of this nature we have had reported to us. It was a cowardly attack and we will do all that we can to catch those responsible."

Michael Lee, of Llandudno Hebrew Congregation, said: "We have several Chasidim here at the moment and although we are a small community we have regular Shabbat services.

"We often have groups staying here from religious schools and organisations. The community centre is put to good use.

"Perhaps because there are Chasidim here now we have attracted more attention, but we have never had any serious trouble before."

A CST spokesman said: "This was a shocking attack in an area that is normally welcoming to Jewish visitors. We hope it proves to be an isolated incident."