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Rabbi Mirvis suffers a defeat

September 4, 2013 13:36
Photo: Yakir Zur

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

In one of his first tweets as Chief Rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis wished Spurs “good luck” ahead of Sunday’s derby against Arsenal, which kicked off as hundreds of guests gathered at the reception following his installation.

But, alas, there was no joy as Spurs went down 1-0 to Arsenal, the team of emeritus chief, Lord Sacks.

Rabbi Mirvis can take comfort that rabbinic wishes do not always bring winning ways.

Lord Sacks was once invited to share a box at Arsenal with another religious supporter of the club, the then Archbishop of Canterbury, now Lord Carey — only to see the home team crash to one of its worst defeats, 6-2, to Manchester United.