
Labour to pave way for blacklisting Iranian state terror militia

Details emerge on how Labour would proscribe Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps


Iranians attend the funeral of seven Revolutionary Guard Corps members killed in a strike on the country's consular annex in Damascus (Photo by HOSSEIN BERIS/Middle East Images/AFP via Getty Images)

The Labour Party is reportedly planning to change the law to make it easier to proscribe Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

Both David Lammy Labour’s Shadow Foreign Secretary and Yvette Cooper, the Shadow Home Secretary, are in favour of blacklisting the IRGC.

According the Daily Telegraph, they plan to bring in a “bespoke” proscription mechanism to make it easier for “state-based actors” to be formally declared as terror groups.

They also plan to update the UK government’s counter-terror strategy, called Contest, and create a new home office and foreign office “joint cell” to deal with state-based threats to the UK.

Earlier this month, Labour’s manifesto highlighted the IRGC as a hostile group, but stopped short of an explicit call for the group’s proscription. 

“From the Skripal poisonings to assassination plots by the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, threats from hostile states or state-sponsored groups are on the rise, but Britain lacks a comprehensive framework to protect us,” it said.

"Labour will take the approach used for dealing with non-state terrorism and adapt it to deal with state-based domestic security threats.”

Labour Friends of Israel’s director, Michael Rubin, told the JC: “LFI has long called for the proscription of Tehran’s terror army. Despite tough rhetoric, the government has been asleep at the wheel when it comes to the threat from Iran.

“The next government must take firm and decisive action: proscribing the IRGC, tackling the Iranian threat domestically and combatting the Islamic republic’s pernicious destabilising activity across the Middle East.”

David Lammy has previously said that Labour would proscribe the IRGC and challenged the government to do so.

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