
Police protecting me from antisemites, says abuse inquiry head Sue Berelowitz

June 1, 2015 09:26
Sue B for web

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

The former Deputy Children’s Commissoner for England has revealed how she was a victim of antisemitic abuse.

According to the Daily Telegraph, Sue Berelowitz, who leads the government inquiry into sex abuse, said police were having to patrol to protect her after she was subjected to “vile” insults on social media.

Speaking at a talk on antisemitism by historian Simon Schama at the Hay Festival, Ms Berelowitz said: “I am a Jew who is doing work that’s very difficult right now because I’m inquiring into the sexual abuse of children and I’m facing the most vile anti-Semitic attacks on social media – ‘filthy Jewish b****’.”

A defiant Ms Berelowitz added: "I stand here as a Jew who will not give up Jewishness and who will not give up standing up for victims and will continue to live in my neighbourhood because the police are having to patrol to keep me safe."