The Metropolitan Police is looking into a leaflet apparently designed by Piers Corbyn which draws parallels between the UK’s vaccination strategy and Auschwitz.
The leaflet, published on Mr Corbyn’s website Stop New Normal and distributed in south London, compared the government’s Covid vaccination programme to the Nazi atrocities at Auschwitz.
It reimagined the camp’s infamous slogan arbeit macht frei, which translates to “work will set you free”, to instead read “Vaccines are safe path to freedom”.
The leaflet credits Mr Corbyn for the “concept idea” and another person, Alexander Heaton, for the illustration.
Mr Corbyn reportedly confirmed to the Evening Standard he was among the leaflet’s creators.
The Metropolitan Police said no arrests have been made and that it was investigating whether any criminal offences were committed.
A spokesperson said: “Police are aware of leaflets in circulation containing information that appears to compare the Covid-19 vaccination programme with the Holocaust.
“Detectives from the Met’s public order crime team are reviewing the leaflets to determine if any offences have been committed.”
Southwark Council said many residents had received a leaflet containing misinformation about the Covid-19 vaccine this weekend.
Bermondsey and Old Southwark MP Neil Coyle said “anti-vaxx conspiracy theory crackpot leaflets” were put through some doors in his constituency at the weekend.
“People shielding/isolating/staying home don’t need crackpot conspiracy theorists knocking at their door,” he tweeted, calling on those with information to contact the Metropolitan police.
Lambeth Mayor Philip Normal said a copy of the leaflet was posted through his door.
“Antisemitism, racism, HATE.. is not tolerated in my house, or this country, or the planet Earth,” he wrote.