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Police investigate pro-Palestinian group after call for ‘chaos and damage’

Direct action group claims to have daubed buildings owned by a property company which leases a London office to Israeli defence firm Elbit Systems

November 26, 2020 10:55
Daubings at 60 London Wall

ByAleks Phillips, aleks phillips

1 min read

Police are investigating after activist group Palestine Action encouraged its supporters to “cause sustained disruption, chaos and damage” to buildings owned by a property company which leases a London office to Israeli defence firm Elbit Systems.

Palestine Action provided its activists with a list of properties across the UK to target, as well as a link to buy a “Shut Elbit Down spray pack”.

The activist group claimed on its website that action was being taken against LaSalle Investment Management (LIM) because it had “failed to respond to Palestine Action’s requests to terminate their contract with Elbit Systems and kick them out of their offices” in Kingsway, Holborn.

In a letter to Jewish Human Rights Watch director Robert Festenstein, seen by the JC, district superintendent of Greater Manchester Police Rick Jackson said the direct action being sought amounted to “threats to commit criminal damage”, which was “concerning”.