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Poet’s Jewish experience inspires debut collection

Natalie Perman's Cataclysm draws upon her Masorti and Reform roots

October 21, 2021 17:17
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1 min read

A young poet who has already won a flurry of prizes has published a debut pamphlet inspired by what she describes as her sense of dislocation as a diaspora Jew.

Natalie Perman, 21, who began creative writing aged 17, spoke to the JC ahead of the launch of Cataclysm later this month.

The final-year Oxford student’s collection of poems was influenced by her Jewish background, which she said together with her experience “moving around a lot all over the UK” gave her a “different perspective growing up”.

Ms Perman, whose mother is Jewish and originally from the US, said that while growing up in England she felt either “not Jewish enough or too Jewish depending on where I was living”. She recalled her Masorti and Reform family’s move from Yorkshire — home to a small community and where the nearest shul was an hour away — to the “predominantly Orthodox” Manchester.