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Pikuach to give more attention to 'spiritual and religious' learning

March 26, 2015 13:21

ByLeon Symons, Leon Symons

1 min read

Pikuach, the Jewish schools' inspection service, is about to undergo a significant change in the way it operates. It will be giving much more attention to the Jewish aspects of schools.

The organisation's director, Jeffrey Leader, said: "We have looked at the guidelines for other faiths' inspection units, for example the Anglicans and Methodists. We noted that they had a more spiritual and religious feel to how they were going about things. This made us think about how we do it and that we need a Jewish model."

Mr Leader said he had discussed potential changes in a meeting with Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, who expressed his full support.

Part of the strategy is that Pikuach will take a closer look at informal education, which includes trips to Israel or inviting guest speakers into schools. "All of this has made a positive impact on Jewish children's lives," he said. "It builds up children to have a Jewish heart and Jewish perspectives."