
Parkinson’s and diabetes in scientists’ sights in new £3m Britain-Israel deal

February 12, 2015 11:33
1 min read

The British Embassy in Israel has announced millions of pounds of funding for medical research projects to be carried out jointly by British and Israeli scientists.

At least £3.2 million is expected to fund eight projects that will study long-term illnesses such as Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, heart disease and multiple sclerosis.

UK and Israeli research institutions will work jointly in a bid to develop treatments and possible cures.
British ambassador to Israel, Matthew Gould, said: “Science is right at the heart of the UK-Israel relationship. Top British and Israeli scientists are already collaborating to develop cures to some of the most awful diseases.

“The new projects have the potential make a real difference to the lives of people.”
Four medical research charities — the British Heart Foundation, type 1 diabetes charity JDRF, the MS Society and Parkinson’s UK — have contributed to funding the new research, which is part of the Britain Israel Research and Academic Exchange programme (Birax), a joint initiative of the British embassy and the British Council in Israel.

The work will be carried out in 11 universities across Britain and Israel.
Professor Raymond Dwek, director of the Glycobiology Institute at Oxford University, which is part of the project, welcomed the initiative.

He said: “Every now and then a technology breakthrough in science holds promise for dramatic progress in disease therapy and cures.

“The UK science base is complemented by the outstanding work in this area in Israel.

“This combination offers real hope of substantial progress in many disease areas.”