
Oxfam and Board of Deputies in new tie-in

November 2, 2012 07:00
1 min read

A campaign to encourage the community’s “food heroes” to tackle global poverty and world food shortages has been launched by the Board of Deputies and Oxfam.

The Grow Tatzmiach six-month leadership programme (tatzmiach is the Hebrew for “grow”) will help Jewish campaigners tackle injustices in the international food system.

It will run from early 2013 alongside the opening months of Oxfam’s four-year Grow campaign. The campaigners involved in the project are known as “food heroes” and hold sessions for fellow activists in their communities.

Oxfam mentors will help Grow Tatzmiach activists run projects, with additional funding and administrative support from the Board.

A Board delegation met the charity’s chief executive Barbara Stocking and Middle East regional director during the summer to discuss Oxfam’s approach to Israel, the West Bank and Gaza.

Board president Vivian Wineman said then that the meeting had been productive and had cleared the way for the two organisations to work together on social action projects.

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