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Over 90 per cent of UK Jews give to charity, with Orthodox and over-60s most generous, report finds

November 24, 2016 23:21
JC staff volunteer during last year's Mitzvah Day
5 min read

Religious Jews are more likely to give to charity than secular Jews according to the most comprehensive report on the community’s philanthropic habits in nearly 20 years.

Most British Jews contribute both to Jewish and general causes, the Institute for Jewish Policy Research (JPR) found.
“The more religious the respondent is, the more money they give in total to charity,” the report says.

“Orthodox and Charedi respondents are the most generous. They are more likely to give a higher proportion of their household income to charity than other denominations.”

Overall, 60 per cent of British Jews give to both general and Jewish charities; 25 per cent choose only non-Jewish charities; eight per cent only Jewish charities: and seven per cent do not donate to charity at all.

