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Outpouring of grief after Rina Wolfson dies of pancreatic cancer

Among many other roles, Rina was the reviewer behind the JC’s Secret Shulgoer colum

September 17, 2021 16:05
Rina Wolfson Headshot.jpg
1 min read

Hundreds of mourners attended the funeral today of Rina Wolfson, educator,  scholar and writer, who died on Kol Nidre night after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in May 2020.

Ms Wolfson was a community leader at New North London Synagogue and worked in marketing and communications for the Masorti movement.

As a Jewish studies teacher, she taught many children for their batmitzvahs and for GCSE. She was  also researching a PhD in Biblical Art as Visual Commentary.

But to readers of the JC she is best known as a writer and  -  it can now be revealed – the reviewer behind our ‘Secret Shulgoer’ column, which ran for three years, from 2017 to 2020.