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Outpouring of British Jewish support for Afghan refugees

Three thousand bags of essential items donated in ‘astounding’ response to synagogue appeal

August 26, 2021 11:48
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1 min read

British Jews are rallying to support displaced Afghans who have fled to the UK in the wake of the Taliban takeover, showing that the community “identifies with the plight of refugees”.

Bushey United Synagogue was swamped with donations of essential items after an aid drive gathered pace at the weekend.

Other initiatives have been started by communities in London and Manchester. World Jewish Relief (WJR) and the Jewish Council for Racial Equality have launched emergency appeals.

The Bushey community is supporting around three dozen Afghan families being accommodated locally. Last Thursday, the congregation sent a message to members on a private Facebook group asking for toiletries and other supplies. “By Saturday night and Sunday, it had gone viral,” said the shul’s Rabbi Elchonon Feldman. “Somehow this campaign has really just hit a nerve.”