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Orthodox man stumped as amputated leg buried

August 21, 2014 12:23

ByDan Friedman, Dan Friedman

1 min read

When Orthodox Moshe Lefkowitz agreed to have his left leg amputated, for religious reasons he wanted it to be buried with him when he died.

So he was stunned when he later discovered that hospital staff had cremated the leg, even though he claimed they assured him it would not be.

Mr Lefkowitz, 43, never saw the consent forms he signed because he is blind. But he insisted that a nurse and a rabbi affiliated to the hospital told him that the forms related to the surgery only and that his wish would be granted.

He claimed $100,000 damages from the hospital in Skokie, a Chicago suburb, but a judge dismissed the claim. An appeal court overruled that decision and a new hearing is now due.