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Occupy protester in Edinburgh arrested over menorah's destruction

January 26, 2012 12:52
Edinburgh's new menorah

ByMarcus Dysch, Marcus Dysch

1 min read

A 25-year-old man connected to the Occupy Edinburgh movement has been charged with destroying Scotland's biggest chanuciah in an alleged antisemitic attack.

He appeared in court last week facing one charge of vandalism aggravated by hate, but was released by the Procurator Fiscal pending further police inquiries.

But members of Edinburgh's Jewish community have spoken in his defence, claiming they did not believe the destruction of the menorah was motivated by antisemitism.

Edward Green, Edinburgh Hebrew Congregation member, said he had been told the intention was to steal the aluminium pieces of the chanuciah and sell them for scrap. He said: "We have to be fair. If we felt this was genuinely antisemitic we would say so."