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Obituary: Professor Anthony Luder

Dignified and caring doctor who helped improve healthcare for children in Israel’s Upper Galilee

December 24, 2021 24:00

The leading paediatrician Anthony Luder, who has died aged 67, was a founding professor of paediatrics at the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine at Bar Ilan University, and head of clinical paediatrics at Ziv Medical Centre, Safed.

Brought up in London, he hailed from an established Anglo-Jewish family, and graduated in medicine from University College London and its hospital medical school, following in the footsteps of his father, Joe Luder, who was consultant paediatrician at the Whittington Hospital, North London.

Luder completed his paediatric training in London and at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, followed by a fellowship in Clinical Genetics and Metabolism at Denver Jewish Hospital, Colorado.

A committed Zionist since his bar-mitzvah, when he toured Israel in a Magen David Adom ambulance (donated by his family) he later joined FZY (Federation of Zionist Youth) and made aliyah in the early 1980s. As a student, he was involved in the movement to free Soviet Jews. In 1980, he and his wife Judith visited the USSR to establish links with ‘refuseniks’, as Soviet Jews denied an exit visa were called.



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