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Obituary: George da Costa

Born Ramsgate, February 1, 1923. Died Broadstairs, October 14, 2008, aged 85.

January 14, 2009 16:05
1 min read

Chairman of the trustees of the Montefiore Endowment from its formation in 1989, George Gomes da Costa, known more familiarly as George da Costa, devoted himself to maintaining the continuity of its service and monuments .

He lived in Ramsgate, the country seat of Victorian magnate and philanthropist Sir Moses Montefiore, and then neigbouring Broadstairs for the rest of his life.

He only left the area twice: once when his school was evacuated to Shropshire during the Second World War, and again, after leaving school, during his wartime service as a captain in the 17th Air Formation Signals.

After the war, he started in business as an importer and wholesaler of toys, and at first supplemented his income by joining the Territorial Army. Eventually his business grew to such an extent that he became chairman of the Toy Wholesaler Association and of the local Small Business Bureau.