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North urged to push on shechitah

October 14, 2010 14:55

ByJonathan Kalmus, Jonathan Kalmus

2 min read

Northern Jewish communities have criticised Shechita UK for disorganisation and failure in its public campaign to lobby MEPs over the threat to kosher meat posed by proposed European legislation.

Members of the community across the UK have been asked to write to their MEPs, using resources on Shechita UK's website. The lobby group says a discriminatory food labelling legal amendment, due to be voted on by the Council of the European Union on December 7, proposes that all meat from animals slaughtered via shechita should be labelled as coming from animals which have not been pre-stunned.

In the week before Rosh Hashanah kosher butchers and outlets were given stickers, bags and leaflets to raise the profile of the campaign. But butchers across the north of England say that the material ran out within days, while most customers remained unaware of the threat the legislation poses.

Richard Hyman, one of Manchester's largest meat suppliers, said: "I don't know how many people have responded to the call to arms. I think general apathy is a problem and a risk without a doubt. Shechita UK are professional and you have to put your faith in them, but I hope that if they are not getting the response they want, they would get in touch."