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NHS to investigate health inequalities in Jewish communities for the first time

The year-long probe will examine NHS communications and engagement with the Jewish community, how it communicates key public health messages, as well a possible barriers in communicating them.

October 6, 2022 15:45
2 min read

For the first time in its history, the NHS is set to investigate health inequalities in Jewish communities in England.

A year-long review, commissioned by the NHS Race and Health Observatory, will examine NHS communications and engagement with the Jewish community, how it communicates key public health messages, as well a possible barriers in communicating them.

The Jewish community has been "disproportionally" affected by high rates of Covid-19, a low immunisation rate, and higher risks of breast cancer, which the review aims to understand and address.

Organisations are being encouraged to submit proposals to scrutinise how the NHS engages with the Jewish community, the methods used to deliver key public health messages and potential barriers in distributing health messages around areas including vaccinations, healthy eating, wellbeing and exercise.

