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To dip or not to dip? The Shakespeare Haggadah

IT worker from New Jersey has written a Bard's version of the text we read every Pesach... with a little technical help

March 30, 2023 13:07
2 min read

VAs the most famous dramatist to have ever lived, Shakespeare wrote nearly 40 plays, spanning romance, comedy, tragedy and history. But he never got around to penning a Haggadah.

Now a writer with a combined passion for thematic Haggadot and Shakespeare has put this oversight right in The Shakespeare Haggadah: Elevate Thy Seder with the Bard of Avon, which tells the story of the Children of Israel’s exodus from Egypt in Elizabethan English, illustrated with quotations from all 37 of the Bard’s plays.

Martin Bodek, who has three other themed Haggadot to his name, wrote a Shakespearean version of the text we read every Pesach because of the literary challenge it presented. England’s national poet is, he says, “literally head and shoulders above everyone else”.

But the New Jersey man, whose day job is in IT, deployed a little bit of tech help to help him meet the demands of his literary task.

“There is a website where I could put in a word such as ‘wine’, and it would give me a list of all the Shakespeare lines containing the word. I would then pick the most fitting one.”