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New survey shows antisemitism at all-time high at universities

CST, which carried about the research, said it should ‘ring alarm bells for the Higher Education sector’

November 15, 2021 17:29
Antisemitism dictionary definition
Highlighted English word "anti semitism" and its definition in the dictionary.
2 min read

Antisemitic incidents have reached an all-time high at UK universities according to new data which "should ring alarm bells for everyone in the Higher Education sector", the Community Security Trust has warned. 

Cases rose to 111 this academic year, compared to the 70 cases recorded during the previous 2019-2020 period. 

The 59 per cent jump represents the highest annual total ever recorded by the charity since it began collecting incident data in 2002, the CST said.

Almost all cases involved verbal, written or online abuse, though there was one alleged assault.