
Neo-nazis sentenced for race-hate postings

June 25, 2010 13:10
Trevor Hannington
1 min read

A pair of neo-Nazis who posted abusive messages on the internet about Jews have been jailed for inciting racial hatred.

Michael Heaton, 42, was jailed for two years and six months and Trevor Hannington, 58, was jailed for two years. The two men, members of the so-called Aryan Strike Force, left comments on its website.

Liverpool Crown Court heard that Heaton said of Jews: "...They will always be scum, destroy 'em with whatever it takes" and "I would encourage any religion or race that wants to destroy the Jews, I hate them with a passion."

Hannington, from Cardiff, wrote: "Kill the Jew, Kill the Jew, Burn down a synagogue today! ... Burn the scum."

After a two-week trial both were cleared of soliciting murder but Heaton was convicted of six counts of using threatening, abusive or insulting words likely to stir up racial hatred.

Hannington had earlier admitted two counts of stirring up racial hatred and two of possessing information likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism.

Hannington admitted owning the Anarchist's Cookbook, Kitchen Complete and The Terrorist Encyclopedia, and admitted publishing instructions on how to make a flame thrower out of a water pistol.

CPS Terrorism lawyer Stuart Laidlaw said: “The ASF is the latest in a long line of Neo-Nazi groups with a mission to promote the National Socialist principles of Adolf Hitler.

“Holding unpleasant and offensive views is not illegal. However, people cross the line when they urge others to take violent direct action, especially after they download terror manuals on how to produce explosives

“Both juries saw some thoroughly unpleasant material which contained views which most people would find obnoxious and abhorrent.”

Detective Chief Superintendent David Buxton, Head of the North East Counter Terrorism Unit said: “Heaton and Hannington are white supremacists. They pedalled hatred against innocent people purely on the basis of their ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion and culture."