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Neal Sharpe has a cool idea: high-quality, parev ice cream

November 24, 2016 21:57
210910 Neal Sharpe

ByCandice Krieger, Candice Krieger

1 min read

Good news for ice cream lovers. There is a new variety on the shelves (well, in the freezers) - and it's parev.

Neal Sharpe, a former director at kosher caterer Sharett, which went into lidquidation last year, has created Nello's - a range of parev ice cream.

He tells People: "Since Sharett closed down I have been looking into developing a brand that appeals to the kosher market. Apart from Snowcrest and Swedish Glace, there isn't really a range of parev ices at the top end. There is definitely a gap in the market."

The Nello's range is currently being stocked in Panzer's Delicatessen in St John's Wood, north London, and he is in talks with other stockists. The cartons, which come in a variety of exotic flavours, are priced at £4.99 for 700ml. He devised the recipes himself. "Food is something I have always been interested in and I think that ice cream is not just a seasonal thing. Jewish families have it all week, and particularly over Shabbat. I'm hoping it will be a good seller."