ByMartin Bright, Martin Bright
The Muslim organisation that claimed responsibility for unseating "pro-war, pro-Israel" Labour MP Lorna Fitzsimons from her Rochdale constituency at the last election has launched its campaign for the 2010 election.
The Muslim Public Affairs Committee, which has an openly anti-Zionist agenda, has said it will target MPs and candidates known to support Israel and those they have identified as "Islamophobic". It claims that 82 constituencies now have a Muslim population larger than the incumbent's majority.
MPAC will concentrate its resources on the Oldham seat of Immigration Minister Phil Woolas, who recently raised concerns about the prevalence of marriage between cousins in the Muslim community.
"Muslim voters can no longer be taken for granted by Labour, as a new politicised generation are becoming swing voters who demand action, on issues from Palestine to anti-terror laws," said Rukiya Dadhiwala, MPAC's campaign co-ordinator.
The organisation has also warned Muslim voters in Hendon to vote for anyone but sitting Labour MPAndrew Dismore, who is considered an arch-Zionist.
It claims 2,000 leaflets attacking the Labour candidate were distributed outside Hendon mosque at Friday prayers.
However, his opponents, Conservative Matthew Offord and Lib Dem Matthew Harris are also both strong supporters of Israel. "They may be Zionists, but they are not as bad as he is," said spokesman Tahir Shah.